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download my TEACHING resume

I’ve been a Guest Artist and teacher at a score of universities in the USA and abroad and worked with professionals and students of all levels, with actors, directors, dancers, filmmakers and others. My theatre workshops have been in Acting, Physical Theatre, Directing, Improv, Heightened Language and Auditioning. I’ve also taught classes and lectured on Creativity, Leadership, Goals & Ideals, Public Speaking, etc. 

In 2019, I was a Fulbright Scholar in Bulgaria and taught acting and directed a play at New Bulgarian University. In 2021, I received a Fulbright Alumni Grant to help English ETA's in Bulgaria teach English more creatively. In 2023, as a Fulbright Scholar in Kyrgyzstan, I furthered this creative language work and also taught Creative Journalism at Ala-Too International University and a course in Creative Storymaking for actors, directors and writers in American University of Central Asia's TV & Flim department.

In 2024, I helped organize and run a Leadership camp in Azerbaijan, sponsored by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund (CDAF) for U.S. Exchange Alumni. 

  • American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

  • Ala-Too International University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

  • Lamar University, TX

  • New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Elizabeth Kostova Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Berkeley Rep School of Theatre 

  • Global Languages Languages Center, Jindal University, India

  • The University of Virginia MFA Program

  • The University of Tennessee, MFA Program

  • The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

  • The American Center, Kolkata, India

  • Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, Santo Domingo, DR

  • Centro de la Cultura, Santiago, DR

  • Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Departamento de Danza

  • Taller Teatro Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica

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Associate Professor / Head of Acting

Department of Theatre, University of Tennessee

“[Edward Morgan] is widely read, and possesses a deep knowledge of dramatic literature, with special strengths in American writers, poetic realism, and heightened language texts.  As a teacher, Morgan also has wide experience, having directed and taught in numerous colleges, universities, and advanced degree programs, in a wide range of subjects.  He loves teaching and has strong gifts for it.  He has taught the graduate students in the MFA program here at UT with marked success, and when directing students, he is constantly sensitive to his dual role as a director and teacher.  In sum, Morgan is a gifted artist and teacher in the mature phase of his life and work; he understands the art and practice of theatre and theatre training intimately, and is quite masterful in his arena...


He embraces teaching as an integral part of directing here, and he has had a marked positive impact on our students, often mentoring them beyond this time here and as they enter the profession...He is at once patient and persistent. He knows when to hold, when to press, when to solicit, when to work directly, when indirectly, and when to command. His focus is always cleanly and strongly upon the work in hand, and on the nature of the immediate problems that need attention. In short, he is exceptionally present.”



Professor / Head of Performance (Emeritus)

The University of Virginia

“Ed Morgan is recognized nationally as a first-rate regional theater director and administrator. In my twenty-five years of work as an actor and teacher of performance, I’ve seldom observed a career that has the range and balance of his teaching and professional accomplishments... 


Morgan joined our program for a semester-long guest artist residency this past September. It proved to be one of the most sophisticated and productive experiences that any guest artist has offered us. Morgan’s confident, articulate knowledge of textual analysis and the inviting, playful studio environment he created allowed our graduate actors to relax, focus and grow. He was demanding, bold and intense in the classroom, asking for and receiving specific, personal work from each actor. Morgan has an admirable knowledge and command of many dramatic genres and styles. His work in this master class ranged from Sheridan and Wycherley to O’Neill and Williams. 


I consider Ed Morgan a remarkable individual - passionate, articulately professional and an honest, caring mentor and colleague.”

© 2019  by  Edward Morgan.

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